Friday, November 21, 2008

Guide to a Possible Natural Diabetes Cure

Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases that a person can have. Not only will it have a drastic effect on one's body, it can also affect the way a person lives. There are no surefire ways to cure diabetes; one can only control its effects once it enters the body. Medicines and insulin shots are expensive, and can prove harmful for the body in the long run. That's why it's important that a diabetic knows how to take diabetes cure the natural way. There are substances which can help keep diabetes under control. Maintaining a healthy regimen can reduce the chances of complication that the disease brings.

Taking calcium is good for diabetics, given that most of them experience hypertension. A good dose of calcium can help prevent the onset of high blood pressure. Another substance that is great for diabetics is chromium. Although the benefits of taking chromium have not been promoted enough, it does help contribute maintain the health of people with diabetes. Chromium helps regulate and produce insulin in the body. Taking chromium regularly will eventually decrease the amount of insulin needed by the body.

Herbs are long considered as the healthy way to cure practically all diseases, and are also considered a diabetes cure. There are more than 400 herbal remedies that can be used to manage the disease, and since they are natural, they present no side effects.

Cinnamon is said to block out free radicals from entering the body, and can increase the conversion of glucose to energy. Research has proven that cinnamon is very effective in putting blood sugar levels under control. Another herb, Jambolan, is a staple for those practicing ayurvedic medicines. It is said to decrease blood sugar levels without any hint of side effects. It also decreases the production of free radicals because it has oleanic acid.

For those with type 2 diabetes, bitter melon extract can be a diabetes cure. Bitter melon extract has polypeptides which is the same as the ones found in insulin. Other herbs that can be used to keep diabetes under control include bitter gourd, a vegetable with juice that can produce a positive effect on the body's blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, Lutein, which is a dietary supplement, can benefit the eye health of diabetics. Since people with diabetes are prone to eye diseases such as cataract and retinopathy, a regular dose of lutein can help maintain the condition of the eyes. Amla, which contains high dose of vitamin C, is also good for the body. For a great combination, try mixing a tablespoon each of powdered amla, bitter gourd, fruit and jumbal. Take this once or twice a day and one can feel an improvement in overall health.

Proper diet and exercise should be part of the natural diabetes cure habit. Diabetics should go take light exercises regularly, such as swimming and jogging. A regular intake of fruits, vegetable, nuts and dairy products approved by a physician will help keep the disease under control.

April Kerr owns website Best Diabetic which has information on the best diet for diabetics and health insurance plans for diabetics.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Diabetes Natural Cures - Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know These 6 Secrets to Reverse Diabetes

There really are diabetes natural cures that work! However, most people are unaware of them because major drug companies don't want you to find out. And what better way to keep you uninformed by keeping doctors uninformed too.

Fact! Most traditional doctors only know of traditional treatments of diabetes. This is because major drug companies work hand in hand with major medical schools.

In other words, if you are suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you do not have to take insulin the rest of your life! Here are 6 secrets that may help you reverse or even cure diabetes in a matter of weeks.

6 Tips to Reverse Diabetes Naturally

1. Obviously, you need to start exercising! Specifically, exercising in the morning is a great way to lower your blood sugar levels and glucose. In some studies, exercising worked just as well as medication. You should keep a regular exercise schedule of about 5 times a week.

2. Nutrition is extremely important for preventing and treating diabetes. Foods that help maintain a normalized blood sugar levels are fruits, vegetables and high fiber grains. You should consider apples, oranges, pears, peas, zucchinis, oatmeal, barley and granola. These foods tend to be lower in sugar and higher in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

3. What you eat and how you eat is also important. Make a fist and take a look at it! This is about the size your next meal should be! It should not be any bigger. Since humans are grazing creatures, we should eat 5-6 meals a day and they should be the size of your fist. This will keep the blood sugar normalized.

4. You should also avoid high sugar juices and soft drinks. Begin to start reading the labels and avoid foods with corn syrup (sugar). These foods and drinks can sometimes contain over 10 teaspoons of sugar.

5. Water! Water! Water! Water is part of every healthy nutrition plan. Water can do two great things for you that will help with diabetes. It can flush numerous toxins, impurities, chemicals, and even sugar (from your previous meal). Water can also change the cellular structure of cells and actually begin the cure of diabetes starting with your cells.

6. Finally, you should also avoid a high carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates will be converted to sugar by the body which can also heighten the blood sugar levels. Eat plenty of salads and fresh and raw vegetables instead your bread serving. Always option to eat leaner meats like chicken, turkey and fish. You will also notice shedding a few pounds of body fat in the process.

Is There More I Can Do?

Yes! These 6 tips should give you hope for your future and your health! Please do not stop here and think you will be told to lower your insulin the next time you see your doctor!

If you suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, please visit our website today. Our natural health company offers a one of a kind Diabetes Natural Cures Remedy Report which guarantees a cure for diabetes in less than 4 weeks. This researched, step by step remedy is easy to read and has an extremely high success rate. Today is the day to prioritize your health and your future!

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise within the American population today. It is estimated that almost 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes and people with pre-diabetes have a 50/50 chance of developing diabetes within ten years. The medical profession attributes the increase in this disease to the contemporary sedentary lifestyle coupled with high fat intake.

However, diabetes is a very preventable disease and there are strategies you can employ to ensure that you will not develop it. And these involve only simple lifestyle changes.

For instance, an extra hour of sleep each night can do wonders. When you are deprived of sleep, the levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise. Cortisol interferes with the body's attempt to use insulin, a hormone that helps your body regulate blood sugar.

In addition, when people are exhausted they tend to indulge in sweet foods, which can play havoc with blood sugar levels. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night will help keep your blood sugar in balance.

Exercise regularly. A twenty-minute walk each day or three hours of exercise each week will increase your muscles' production of insulin.

Substitute sweet fruits for sweets. Strawberries, grapes, blueberries, melons, bananas all contain soluble fibers. And you need more fiber rich foods to your diet. Bran cereals, wheat germ, beans, and dried peas all help to keep blood sugar levels in check. A bowl of bran cereal topped with fruit is an ideal breakfast to prevent diabetes.

Since magnesium helps your body to process insulin properly, you need to add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. Look for wheat breads, nuts, seeds, and beans. If you don't think you are getting enough magnesium in your diet ask your doctor about a supplement.

Calcium is also important in helping cells utilize insulin. Doctors recommend 1200 mg. of calcium a day or four to five servings of dairy a day. Try milk, yogurt, cheese or cottage cheese.

Calcium is active in preventing diseases other than diabetes, so if you have problems digesting dairy products, definitely ask your doctor about taking a supplement. There are also combination magnesium-calcium supplements available at health food stores.

Another recommended supplement is Vitamin E. Not only does vitamin E increase your body's ability to convert blood sugar to usable energy, it is also a powerful antioxidant that protects your heart and improves the function of your immune system.

Avoid animal fats and opt for plant fats. Cook with sesame oil, olive oil and flax. Incorporate avocados, nuts and peanut butter into your diet. Plant fats improve the body's ability to utilize glucose properly and that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Substitute sugar free drinks for sodas. Researchers have found that tea and coffee, especially if consumed a half hour before meals, increase insulin production. However, you should use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar or drink it without any sweetener at all.

People who are most at risk for diabetes are those over 45 years of age, who are overweight, have a sedentary lifestyle and have another family member with diabetes.

It is quite possible to have diabetes and not be aware of it, especially in early stages. So people with the above risk factors should definitely request blood sugar tests as part of their annual physical.

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Can Whey Protein Help Prevent Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem in the United States. Some of the major factors influencing this disease include obesity, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. Simply put, the cause behind type 2 diabetes is an unhealthy lifestyle. Over the years the concern with diabetes has grown larger because it no longer affects only adults. Ever since the number of children and teenagers affected with type 2 diabetes increased, more and more people began to take notice. One of the easiest solutions to the problem is healthy nutrition. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of whey protein could help manage and possibly prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Whey protein is high quality and high biological value protein. It is a good choice for diabetics who need to carefully manage their food intake. Whey protein provides the body with the highest quality protein without the added fat and cholesterol. Majority of foods which are rich in protein essentially contain some amount of fat and cholesterol. These additional calories from fat are the culprits of obesity. By getting a lot of protein from whey, people lessen their calorie intake while at the same time gaining essential amino acids. Certain studies have also shown that whey protein helps control glucose levels and aids in weight management.

As you can see, whey protein helps in eliminating certain major risk factors for diabetes; such as obesity, poor nutrition, fat intake, and unstable glucose levels. It really makes no sense to continue with our poor eating habits given that we know their life threatening outcome. If a healthy diet and exercise is all that it takes to prevent ourselves from getting type 2 diabetes what are we waiting for? Diabetes is a serious disease and one way to prevent it is through nutritionally healthy whey protein.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills, and hoodia gordonii.

Am I at Risk For Diabetes If I Am Pre-Diabetic?

Too few people are aware that prior to being diagnosed as a diabetic there is such a diagnosis of pre-diabetes. This is when your blood sugar levels are rising but you can still prevent the disease. You then are at an increased risk of becoming a full blown diabetic. And with that diagnosis, comes an increased risk of having heart disease or stroke.

There is something you can do to ward off a diagnosis of diabetes without the use of medication. Unfortunately the medical community fails to inform their patients that they are pre-diabetic. Of the 25% who are pre-diabetic, only 4% were told of this condition. These are terrible odds and it shows the dismal failure some medical professionals present with their patients.

Five conditions warrant a test for a future diagnosis of being pre-diabetic.

v Being pre-diabetic in the first place

v Impaired fasting glucose

v Glucose intolerance

v Borderline diabetes

v High blood sugar

Pre-diabetes increases with age and weight. Women are more common to being diagnosed with pre-diabetes than men. Race and/or ethnicity held no particular significance.

What can you do to ward off a possible diagnosis of diabetes in the future? Lose weight, increase physical activity and reduce the number of calories. Studies show only 42% followed all three areas and a whopping 24% did not participate in any of these activities.

Is it too late to turn your diagnosis of being pre-diabetic around? Never. Losing just 10% of your weight will begin the downward trend of your blood sugar levels. Monitoring your blood glucose and determining which foods contribute to a significant rise in your blood sugar and then eliminating that particular food from your diet will also help. Particularly should simple carbohydrates be avoided and a meal of protein and vegetables be served primarily. Increase your exercise to a daily routine of at least 30 minutes.

By adopting these healthful suggestions, heart disease and/or a stroke may not be in your imminent future. Nor the constant daily vigilance of having to check your blood sugar numerous times throughout the day as well as taking diabetic medications, either orally or by injections. It is so much better to follow a healthier lifestyle. Your body will thank you and so will your finger tips.

Sybille Jones

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Strategies to Safeguard Yourself When Acquiring Diabetes Equipment From Medical Websites

Did you know you can save a lot of money by buying your diabetes medical supplies on the Internet? Are you also aware that many of these retailers are not based in the U.S. and therefore not subject to FDA laws or standards? If you're considering the purchase of your diabetes supplies and equipment online, keep reading to find out what you can do to protect yourself.

Find an American Company

If you're buying diabetes medical supplies off a web-based company, look for one that's either based in the United States or your own country. Even if the prices are better, a supplier stationed in a foreign land isn't held to the same quality standards as one here. Remember, this is your health.

On top of potentially being unsafe, importing foreign drugs or medical equipment may be against the law and could get you into serious trouble with U.S. customs. So, don't risk your health or your record by buying medical supplies from outside the country.

Prescription Required When Needed

If your type of insulin requires a prescription, whether federally or in your state, then you should only buy from online suppliers that check prescriptions thoroughly. Do not do business with a retailer that doesn't follow the rules.

Check the Shipping Policy

Before you buy from an online retailer, find out how the goods are shipped. Are they properly protected against breakage and possible contamination? How fast do they ship and by what methods? If they send your product by ground then how do they ensure the package won't be pierced or possibly damaged? And don't forget to include the shipping costs into your total costs calculation. If the shipping is outrageous, then your online deal may not be such a steal after all.

Scan Customer Reviews

Before you buy a product online, you should read the customer reviews of both the online retailer and the product itself. For example, if you're in the market for a new test strip system, be sure to peruse the customer reviews of other users. They should be right on the retailer's website.

You should also read retailer reviewers. It's here that customers talk about a retailer's customer service, their shipping fees, return policy and the overall buying experience. To find reviews for online retailers, try sites like Nextag or Froogle.

Shy Away from eBay

eBay may be great for buying video games or electronics, but it's not an ideal place to purchase medical equipment. Is saving a few dollars' worth receiving goods that are expired, discontinued or rejected for poor quality?

Unless you're buying from a seller that has excellent feedback from customers who have purchased diabetes medical supplies in the past, then you should stay away.

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Trying to Live With Diabetes

Living with diabetes has day to day challenges, such as fighting high and low blood sugars, and struggling to estimate the correct amount of insulin to take with every meal. Many important steps are to be taken when managing diabetes to pursue a healthy life.

Diabetics can live a long and healthy life by learning the long and short term effects of the disease, making changes to their lifestyle, and managing the illness with medicines correctly.

There are many long and short term effects that could set in with unmanaged diabetes. If blood glucose levels remain increased for a long period of time, short term effects may occur such as fatigue, pain in legs, mood swings, hyperglycemia and frequent urination.

The long term effects of increased glucose levels are blindness, amputations, kidney failure, liver damage, strokes and nerve damage This can also result into a fatal Diabetic Keto Acidosis coma (DKA).

When blood glucose levels decrease, short term effects may occur, such as increase of hunger, emotional distress, trembling and faintness. When blood glucose levels remain low for a long time, a low sugar coma will occur and there is a certain amount of time you have to regain consciousness.

These effects will take a toll on your life if diabetes is not managed,,and many of them are irreversible.

To prevent these effects, a change of lifestyle is required. Diabetics have to make changes to their eating habits. A healthy, balanced diet should be put into effect. This includes eating items from each food group and having three meals a day, plus the needed snacks. Some food restrictions will have to be made, such as cutting out anything with high carbohydrates and high sugar content.

Doctors will have to monitor the diabetes. Therefore, frequent doctor visits will be required. A variety of doctors will be set up as a team to make sure each area of the disease is taken care of.

Daily activities should be increased to keep your body fit and sugars level. An increase in activity is great, but you must also take time out to regulate sugars. Extra intake of food is needed when an increase of exercise is planned.

Diabetes can make for many obstacles in life, and it can be difficult to get used to the lifestyle changes needed.

In addition to lifestyle changes, medical interventions are required to manage diabetes properly. Depending on your way of life, a certain type of insulin and dosage intake will be prescribed to you by your doctor. Insulin helps stabilize your sugar levels. Procedures for taking your insulin will be given by the doctor, and you must dose according to sugar level and food intake.

Medical costs also take a toll when living with this disease. Without medical benefits, supplies can become extremely costly. If your medicine is not taken properly, diabetes will remain uncontrolled, which will lead to even more problems and obstacles in your life and in treating the disease.

There are many precautions to take when dealing with diabetes, and many to learn about and take very seriously. If monitored well, diabetics can remain untouched by the long term effects, live happily with their new lifestyle changes, and gain the knowledge of properly medicating themselves to live and feel great for the rest of their lives.

by Nikita Turner

Nikita Turner is a college student working towards a Nursing degree from Ontario, Canada. She is a guest author on the Blog N' Butter Blog Network's Your Health Today Blog and is an expert on Diabetes and Diabetic Treatments.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Fruit Regulates Blood Sugar

Every diabetes patient is different and because of this no change to diet should be made without consulting your doctor. Before making any changes to what you eat, talk to your doctor and take their advice on how you should regulate your diet. Diabetes is a serious disease and you should be very aware of everything you can do to keep it in check. Certain foods will help you to control your blood sugar levels and fruits are one of these food groups. Through careful planning, monitoring, and utilizing you can take the fruit food group and turn it from an enemy into a friend. Monitoring what you eat is one of the most important things someone with diabetes does, and this is especially true of the fruit food group.

If you aren't aware of how you can help to control your diabetes using your diet, you can help to control your blood sugar levels by eating certain food groups or certain foods with sugars in them. While it is important to be careful to not overdo it with your sugar filled foods, a food group like fruit can be a valuable asset to be able to eat, especially when you are having a craving for something sweet. Most diabetics can't eat foods like candy, cakes, etc. because it shoots their blood sugar too high. Fruits are an excellent way to taste something enjoyable and sweet like this, without hurting your body.

People with diabetes often feel that because fruits have a lot of natural sugars that they should avoid eating them. This is not in fact true. Just like it is important for people without diabetes to eat fruits, it is equally important that a person with diabetes receive the goodness that fruits can give you. Fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients that are important for anyone to have in their body.

While you should be careful with eating fruits if you have diabetes, as they will raise your blood sugar, they do not have to be avoided completely if they are eaten in moderation. Diabetics are encouraged to stay away from things like candy because they are empty calories. Fruit on the other hand will offer you something healthy, while still raising your blood sugar (albeit less dramatically).

It is very important that you monitor your blood sugar levels when eating fruits. Different people will react differently to fruits and while it may take one diabetic two servings of fruits to raise their blood sugar too high, it may only take one serving of fruit to another diabetic to push their blood sugar too high.

It is very important when you are monitoring your fruit intake that you be completely honest and very accurate. If you are lying about the size of a serving or not accurately measuring it could cause you serious trouble as you risk running your blood sugar too high or letting it slip too low.

While the large amount of sugar in fruits can be dangerous for diabetics, when eaten in moderation and monitored properly they can be an excellent treat for that sweet tooth.

Visit our website to learn more about Fruit for Diabetes. Progressive Health Inc provides supplements that help replenish nutritional deficiencies caused by various health conditions such as diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes - 5 Things You May Not Know

Here are 5 things you should but may not know about type 2 diabetes:

1. There is a "warning" stage called pre diabetes that usually develops before you get full blown diabetes.

Millions of people are living with pre diabetes but don't know it. Diabetes caught in this stage is often reversible. Unfortunately, many people won't catch the disease in this stage because there are often no symptoms. If they have pre diabetes and continue on with their normal ways of living, they will likely get type 2 diabetes.

2. More people in the USA will be diagnosed with diabetes over this next decade than ever before.

Aging, a high carbohydrate diet, and a lack of exercise are major risk factors for diabetes. America and the rest of the western world have a deadly combination of these three risk factors.

3. Diabetes and pre diabetes are extremely simple to test for.

Any time you get blood work done you can be checked for diabetes. A common test for diabetes is just to measure a person's fasting blood sugar level. If your blood sugar is above a certain point, you have diabetes, if it is just below, you have pre diabetes. Ask your doctor where you lie in that spectrum.

4. Diabetes dramatically increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Having high blood sugar for a long time causes major wear and tear on the heart, veins, and arteries. A weakened circulatory system can easily lead to lethal heart attacks and/or stroke.

5. Diabetes is often preventable through diet and exercise alone.

Getting on a diabetes prevention diet and a good exercise program can greatly decrease your chances of developing diabetes. Sometimes, diabetes is even reversible through these methods, especially if caught in the early stages. Maintaining a healthy body weight is also very important. Body fat, especially around the mid section is another major risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

To learn how to prevent diabetes through diet, read: Diabetes prevention diet.

1200 - 1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan - Tips For an Easy Diabetic Diet Menu, Help Decrease Diabetes

A calorie controlled diet enables you to take control of your daily intake of calories. So I am sure you can realise that a 1200-1800 calorie diabetic diet plan will enable you to take full control of the amount of calories you take in each day and ensure that the amount lies between 1200 and 1800.

The benefits of having a 1200 - 1800 calorie controlled diabetic diet

You can control your sugar levels in your blood stream.

Control your weight, if you need to lose weight or gain weight this is a great way of doing so.

Helps you to maintain a controlled diabetic diet which will effect your diabetes and enable you to benefit from having more control over your diabetes.

There are several ways to benefit from using this type of weight control methods and they help to control your diabetes. The key to any calorie controlled diabetic diet is balancing out the different food supplements needed to maintain a balanced diet.

One of the most important being carbohydrates, carbohydrates are the main source of Glucose which is your body's main source of energy.

In a diabetic diet plan the overall aim is to have a balanced diet which enables you to control your diabetes. The main ingredients in the balanced diet are Carbohydrates, protein and fat. The overall idea is to keep your diabetic diet plan balanced, do not take an excess of fat as this could lead to excess weight and obesity is the number one cause of diabetes, so ensuring everything is balanced is essential.

To ensure your diabetic diet plan is balanced you need to use the right ingredients and ensure that you have a stable and safe healthy diet.

If you would like free diabetic recipes sent straight to your E-mail inbox each and every week you can. Just subscribe to my free newsletter here for free diabetic recipes weekly.

You will also receive a free diabetic meal plan, which is to be used as an example of how to produce a daily healthy balanced diet. When creating a diabetic diet plan you should consult your doctor for expert advice.

Cooking With a Diabetic in the Family

More than 15 million people in America now suffer from diabetes, but the good news is that if you have a member of the family who is diabetic, they really need very little special treatment when it comes to cooking family meals. Cooking for a diabetic should be the way you cook for the rest of the family: healthy, low-fat and low-sugar meals.

Apart from taking any necessary medication to control blood sugar levels, the single most important factor is diet. A balanced, healthy diet is key to maintaining good health.

There is a lot of information and support available for diabetics, so always consult with your doctor or dietician before making any changes. Associations such as the American Diabetic Association offer support, information and meal planning lists, so don´t be afraid to seek outside help.

Here are some general guidelines on cooking for a diabetic family member.

Invest in a good cookery book for diabetics. These will have many reduced sugar recipes. Some companies that manufacture artificial sweeteners and sugar replacements also offer recipe sheets suitable for diabetics.

Reduce the amount of fried food that you eat. This healthy choice will benefit everyone in the family, but is especially important for diabetics.

Increase the amount of non-starchy vegetables in your diet, such as carrots, broccoli, green beans or spinach. If you don't like the taste of them served alone, incorporate them into other dishes, such as soups and omelettes.

Swap processed versions of food for their whole grain equivalents. Try switching to brown rice, whole wheat pasta and seed bread.

Try to eat fish more often. Aim for at least 2 portions a week.

Avoid sweetened drinks and soft drinks. Change to low calorie diet drinks, or even better just drink water!

Check out websites for information and advice about cooking for diabetics. One of the best is the American Diabetic Association at

Watch the amount of carbohydrate rich foods that you eat, and monitor the portion size.
Learn how to interpret the nutritional information on packets and tins. For example, sugar may be listed as "fructose", a natural fruit sugar. Be sure that you know exactly what is in the foods you buy.

All stores these days have a wide range of products made especially for diabetics, sometimes a whole aisle. The variety and selection of products you can safely eat will amaze you!

If in doubt, check with your doctor which brands and foods you can safely incorporate into a diet.

When eating out, don´t be afraid to mention that a member of the party is diabetic, and ask for specific ingredients in a meal if you are not sure whether it is suitable.

Diabetes is a condition that needs careful management, but that doesn't mean sacrificing tasty food. The healthy principles of diabetic cooking will benefit the whole family, so why not use this as an opportunity to improve the diet of every member of the household?

Crock pots are a great way to prepare easy meals for busy people. Lisa from has loads of easy crock pot recipes that are very nutritious. But the best thing is that the recipes can be easily altered to suit your own dietary needs. Try some crock pot chicken recipes today for a new dimension to your meals.

Diabetes - Symptoms and Preventions

Most of us have heard about diabetes but only few know what diabetes is all about; it is a disease identified with the presence of high level of glucose in blood. There was a time when it was considered as a fatal disease, but nowadays it is no more considered as such. Our body requires a certain level of glucose, but above that is injurious to health. Some of its ill effects are bad healing of injuries, kidney malfunctioning, coma etc. Advancement in medical science has solved the problem of diabetes to a great extent.

Diabetes is of two types: in Type 1 - pancreas in our body fails to secrete enough insulin required in the blood glucose that is used by cells in the form of energy; in Type 2 - cells may oppose the action of insulin, thus resulting excess of glucose in the blood. You must be wondering why this happens at all? According to scientists diabetes could be the result of genetic disorder or standard of living. Type 1 diabetes is considered as genetic, it is mostly found in youths. Another type of diabetes is gestational; it affects around 3% of pregnant women generally during 24th to 28th week of pregnancy.

It is very important to know the symptoms of diabetes to take preemptive actions to check it. Excessive and frequent urination, thirst, giddiness, pain in stomach etc. are some of the primary symptoms. If you feel any of these symptoms, it's advisable to consult a physician. A diabetes blood test is a very simple procedure. A bit of blood is taken from the concerned person to measure its glucose level. Blood glucose level in a healthy person is 99 mg/Dl while a diabetic glucose level is 126 mg/Dl or more. There are several other tests available to diagnose diabetes.

After all, if a person has been diagnosed diabetic then the best treatment is following the advice of the doctor as well as maintaining proper precautions and frequent check of blood glucose level. In modern hi-tech world we are facilitated by several advanced medical gadgets for easy monitoring of our blood sugar level. There is a device identical to the size of a mobile phone - just putting a drop of blood on its strip can provide you your present blood sugar level. Infrared beam device can calculate your glucose level in blood by flashing on your skin. So, a diabetic person can live normal life in present days by following some precautionary measure. Nothing to worry - just need self-control!

Bibhash Sharma is an SEO expert and writes on variety of subject matters, including health, travel, internet development, internet marketing, link building, finance, insurance, sports, computer, technology, fauna and flora. Please visit to browse his present activities.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Diabetes Symptoms and Causes

Diabetes is a a dreadful and severe Illness that does not need to be taken lightly. In no way am I an expert in the medical field I am just pulling info to share with you to help and I both become better educated in the area of Diabetes.

Type I Diabetes is usually detected early in life, because of an Injury or some other type of illness such a virus or urinary tract infection. One of the main common symptoms would be fatigue. The fatigue in this situation would be caused by the body switching over to metabolizing fat as a fuel source. When this happens the body uses more energy. When your body goes through this, it causes you to be tired and/or just plain fatigued. Another major symptom to look for is unexpected weight loss. If you are losing weight for no apparent weight it may be caused by sugar being released in your urine and also calories not being processed by your body correctly. If you feel thirsty all the time you could also be looking at having Diabetes. This symptom is caused by high glucose levels which makes you thirsty to help you to dilute the high blood sugar back to normal levels and to compensate for the water lost by excessive urination. Some people with Diabetic symptoms also suffer from blurred vision and a confused mental state. Blurred vision is seen in other cases not related to Diabetes but is also tied in with High Glucose Levels. Sometimes Agitation, unexplained irritability, inattention, extreme lethargy, or confusion can all be signs of very high blood sugar, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic syndrome, or even Hypoglycemia.

These are most of the major identifiable symptoms of Diabetes that you may need to look for. If you have any reason to believe that you maybe be developing any type of Diabetes you need to get checked out by your family physician.

Info on Diabeties:

Type I Diabetes:

11 Ways on How to Prevent Diabetes - Pre-Diabetes Things to Do

As you may already know, diabetes if caused by our unhealthy daily diet or our genetic traits. But what can we do to prevent diabetes? Here's a few tips on pre-diabetes things that you can do.

  1. Consider your weight. While some people struggling to control their weight, they went on many different diets. What they didn't consider that they also have to control their blood-sugar levels. Actually, based on research, the main reason of blood-sugar conditions are tied to weight problems, such as being overweight. When you body stores a lot of glucose, you may feel the need to snack and overeating, doing that you gain pounds in fat which in turn turns into diabetes.
  2. Be careful of what you eat. Modern daily diet have become a dillema. With fast food everywhere and rich fatty foods, statistic said that 2 out of 3 americans are overweight. This translates into roughly millions of people entering pre-diabetes conditions. This is caused by consuming too many unhealthy foods.
  3. Do a self-diagnostic on yourself. Symptoms that you can check for yourself. Are you chubby or wide around your waist? Also, are your craving for sweets and starchy foods? Do you lose your appetite at breakfast? Do you get tired easily after lunch? This is caused by the drop of your blood-sugar levels.
  4. Watch out for these: too many carbs, too many sugar, and too many fatty oils.
  5. Learn what you need for the day. Manage your calories intake. A normal calories intake for women and men are 1600 and 2000 calories daily. Statistics says, however, that an American consume 3900 calories each day. This translates to almost twice the need for calories of the day. The excess calories will be accumulated into fat.
  6. Other things to avoid. Trans fats. This can be discovered mosntly in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
  7. Limit your consumption of fast foods, microwave foods, and other types of convenience foods. Better yet, avoid them altogether.
  8. Increase intake for quality protein. Protein lowers blood-sugar levels. So be sure to make certain that in every meal you have protein intake.
  9. Increase intake for rich-fiber vegetables. This can lower you blood-sugar levels. Salads, broccolies, and other greens are beneficial for you. You can limit your consumption of crutons, potatoes, avocados, because they have high carbohydrate content.
  10. Make fruits your religion. Eat fruits everyday. Fructose are not stored in body, so you can go mad with fruits.
  11. Exercise regularly. By doing more physical activity, it'll burn your excess fat. This can reduce your long-term risk for diabetes. Also lose weight and gain more vitality.

This are the things that you can do. But what if you already got diabetes? Maybe your family, or your friend?

Hunter C. Adams is telling people that diabetes is a thing of the past. With proper diet and exercise, we can battle diabetes and send them flying! One way to do that is by using Glycogone, an all-natural blood-sugar levels combative treatment. It'll lower your blood-sugar levels with no side effects. So to know more about it, go to Glycogone Review by clicking on the links.

Blood Pressure Tips For Diabetics

You should be receiving regular blood pressure checks if you have long term chronic illness. If you want to check it more often than you go to the doctor, you can purchase a monitoring device that lets you measure blood pressure. There are different kinds to choose from. Two of those are the aneroid and digital monitor. This may be helpful for someone who has diabetes mellitus and needs good long term control because they have a risk of vascular problems.

Now, the aneroid type monitor uses a pointer to let you read your blood pressure. The digital monitor displays your reading on a screen which makes it easier to read.The aneroid monitor is cheaper but not as easy to use. This may have value if you visit for a health check up and get nervous. This can make a reading higher than it should be due to being around healthcare professionals.

Among taking your own blood pressure readings, you can double check your lifestyle habits. Are you on a healthy diet? Eating healthy will help keep your blood pressure low and normal. Cut back on salt (known as sodium). Opt for seasonings to give an alternative taste. Salt substitutes contain potassium instead of sodium and can cause problems with certain medications such as digoxin.

Introduce more vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet. If you use tobacco (stop doing so )or drink excessive amounts of alcohol try to cut back or refrain completely. These will raise your blood pressure putting you at more risk for a stroke or heart disease.Only eat one piece of fruit at a time in you have glucose intolerance or suffer diabetes.

If you cannot quit these on your own there are plenty of resources and trained people to help.Would you consider yourself at a healthy weight or overweight? Overweight people are more prone to developing high blood pressure (hypertensive disease).

If you are not already regularly physically active, try to do at least thirty minutes of physical exercise three times a week. This will make you feel a lot better. Did you know there is a definite link between depressive illness and heart problems? Not difficult to believe when depressed people do not look after themselves.

Having high blood pressure puts your health at risk. If these lifestyle changes do not help, you may eventually have to consider going on medications. There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications and they need to be combined with a healthy lifestyle and exercise to deal with the issue more effectively.

For more related information visit Blood Pressure Readings. Get knowledge on dealing with symptoms, drug side effects and improving your life!

GlucoWatch - What You Need to Know Before Getting One?

In previous article which describes what is a GlucoWatch (a wrist watch version of Blood Glucose Meter), we share with you about this new painless technology of blood glucose testing where fluid is extracted through the human skin and glucose level in the fluid is measured using the device (GlucoWatch) to determine your blood sugar level.

GlucoWatch - What You Need To Know Before Getting One

There are some important facts which are worth mentioning for your knowledge before getting one.

1. In March 2001, FDA (U.S. Food Drug And Food Administration) has approved the use of GlucoWatch as a prescription device for adults with diabetes. See info.

2. In August 2002, FDA has approved the use of GlucoWatch for use by children and adolescents with diabetes. See info.

3. A new calibration of the device through the use of a finger-stick blood glucose test is required every 13 hours when a new skin pad is replaced to ensure accuracy of the meter results.

4. Individual GlucoWatch readings should not be used to determine and make changes to the insulin dosage. It is recommended that you should take several readings over time and confirm it with a finger stick blood glucose test.

5. Readings might be skipped when patients perspire especially during exercise or in an extremely hot humid environment.

6. Patients may develop rashes on the skin that come directly in contact with the watch. However, this may not apply to every patient as different people has different skin condition.

Overall, a GlucoWatch is a valuable tool you can add on to your list of Blood Glucose Meters.

"GlucoWatch - What You Need To Know Before Getting One?" is proudly written by George Greg, a Blood Glucose Meter Specialist

Start Managing Diabetes

I wanted to discuss a little about your need to start managing diabetes. This is a condition that most people underestimate. You just poke your finger and make sure your blood sugar level is correct and you'll be fine. I wish it was that simple, but you have to remember that there are complications that will come down the road later in your life that are going to be the real problems. Your bodies ability to properly respond to insulin stimulation is important for health and if you're not properly controlling things than you're just looking for trouble. I wanted to tell you why it is so important to be managing diabetes.

People often don't get diabetes. It's basically a problem with your body where it can't properly produce insulin or it isn't responding to insulin stimulation. When you don't have enough sugar in your blood, you'll end up fainting. These are typically the concerns that are on the mind of all suffers. There is absolutely no cure for this problem and there is no treatment. All a person can do is check to make sure there blood sugar is at a good level, so they poke their fingers and check the blood.

Managing diabetes comes down to the complications that come later in life. If you have some issues with managing it today, you might find that you're blind in the future. Or you could end up losing a limb. These are the serious complications that most people aren't aware of.

Get your free guide on Controlling Diabetes.

Glycogone - 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Buy Glycogone

Glycogone is a new supplement for diabetics. It's comprised of all-natural ingredients which brings no side-effect to the user. Hailed as one of the newest alternative treatment solution for diabetes in 2008, Glycogone have begun to rise in popularity. But there's things that you should know about Glycogone. Why you shouldn't buy Glycogone? Let's divide this in 3 parts:

  1. Glycogone is intended to be used by type 2 diabetics. What is diabetes type 2? Diabetes type 2 usually occurs with middle-aged to late-aged people regardless of race or gender. The traits of diabetes type 2 is the body's lack of ability to regulate glucose to the cells because the ineffectiveness usage of insulin. Glycogone's ingredient makes it more effective for our body to regulate glucose by lowering our body resistance to insulin. It also suppreses the blood-sugar level in our blood stream. This is why people have reported a hefty decrease in blood-sugar levels after treatment by Glycogone. If you're not a type 2 diabetic, the usage of Glycogone have little effect. If you're not type 2 diabetic, you should not buy Glycogone.
  2. You're on treatment with pharmaceutical medication for diabetes. This can be oral hypoglycemics or insulin. Why shouldn't you buy Glycogone when you're under this treatment? Because the effectiveness of Glycogone in lowering the blood-sugar levels, the combine effort of Glycogone and these treatments can lower your blood-sugar levels too much. This can prove to be potentially risky. If you want to combine the treatments, it's well advised that you consult with a physician first. By doing so, the physician can closely monitor your blood-sugar levels and in many cases they can reduce the dosage of the pharmaceutical treatments that you're on. That way you can take Glycogone.
  3. You shouldn't buy Glycogone if you wanted result instantly. Glycogone, although reported to be very effective in a short time, have to be taken regularly in some period of time before you can have maximum benefit from it. Usually the treatment have some benefits in 3-4 weeks, but optimally 6 months and above will you enjoy the full range of Glycogone benefits.

There you have it, three reasons why you shouldn't buy Glycogone.

Hunter C. Adams thinks that people should know more about what they're buying beforehand. This is why he compiled knowledge in his blogs. One of it is about Glycogone. If you like to know more about Glycogone and their 14-days no risk free trial program, just go to Glycogone Review. You can be certain that you will benefit from it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beat Diabetes Now!

Eight percent of the American Population are diabetes victims. Diabetes sufferers are affected psychologically, physically, sexually and professionally. Diabetes is a financial burden for many people. People spend a large sum of money every year on testing supplies, medication and various medical necessities.

People living with type one diabetes have to endure constant agony injecting themselves with insulin. There exist many different methods to attempt minimizing the amount of pain involved with this process. Type One diabetes sufferers still experience pain even though these methods are implemented. This constant painful experience injecting insulin becomes an accepted part of life

Diabetes and its treatments can cause serious acute and long term complications if not managed properly. Some of these complications include stroke, cardiovascular disease, blindness and poor healing of wounds which could lead to gangrene and amputation.

There are however certain herbal remedies that can make a dramatic change for the best in the life of a diabetic. These herbal remedies have been used for centuries by different cultures and civilisations. A colossal amount of time and money is spent by various parties around the world to find an effective solution to help people beat diabetes using herbal remedies, substitutes for everyday commodities and exercises. These herbal remedies are without side effects and pain. Results are already positive and evident. There are many cases where diabetics achieved normal and healthy blood sugar levels using herbal remedies. Evidence of these cases can be found all over the internet.

Diabetes can be beaten with knowledge and disciplined action.

Click on the link to learn how to beat diabetes today

How to Understand Diabetes and Beat It

What is diabetes? I'm sure that many of you already know it, but here's in the nutshell. Diabetes is the condition where the body is unable to produce sugar in the blood. This sugar, or glucose is processed at our liver. Blood sugar levels are important because too much or too low can cause a life-threatening condition. So this is how you can know more about diabetes and diabetes treatment.

First, you have to know more about symptoms of diabetes. Although diabetes usually happens when you're middle-age, it also occurs to young people at their 20s. What are the symptoms? First easily tired, thirsty all the time, increase in urination frequency, wounds that are hard to heal, tingling sensation in your limbs, blurry eyesight, heavy weight gain or loss. These are the more common symptoms. Do you feel that you meet most of them? Please consult your doctor to know more about your situation.

Secondly, diabetes is divided into two types. There's the type 1 diabetes, which caused by the body's inability to produce insulin because the cells that are responsible in making them are attacked by our own immune system. Usually with type one, you need insulin shots.

If there's type 1, there's also type 2. This is the most common one out there. Usually as you get older with age, this type is the one that you're prone to. Type 2 diabetes doesn't need insulin shots, but the blood sugar levels is high because there's an imbalance between input and output of insulin levels. The most common cause of this is when you're hypertension and obese. This is also genetic, you can inherit diabetic genes from your family. So if your family have a long list of diabetic people, better check your body once in a while with your doctor. Better safe than sorry.

Race is also a big part in diabetes. Such as Caucasians are more prone to type one diabetes than African Americans. Gender is not in the equation unfortunately, if you're men or women, it doesn't affect your chances to get diabetes. Age is also a big part to know which types are you. As mentioned in the first paragraph. Type one diabetes usually inflicts person of all ages, from young to old, type two, however is usually develop when someone's is older, middle to late age.

What treatment options are available? Thanks to the advance in medicine science, there is a lot of prescription drug out there for diabetes type two. Although most people will cringe at their treatment thanks to their long list of side effects. But fear not, herbal alternatives for diabetes type two is also around. If you stick with the treatment, exercise regularly and watch out of what you're eating, you can beat diabetes and live a healthy life.

Hunter C. Adams thinks that there should be more information about diabetes treatment. All-natural ingredients treatment such as Glycogone can be an option to battle diabetes. To read more about this breakthrough in the fight of diabetes, visit Glycogone Review by clicking the links. Learning more means opening options.

9 Steps on How to Treat Diabetes

Got diabetes? Do you fear sweet stuffs? Don't worry, we're here to help you deal with it. So how to treat diabetes? Diabetes treatment has improved nowadays because of advances in medical science. National Institutes of Health (NIH) tells us that by good glucose control can reduce the risk of complications by about 60%. So what are the steps that we can take to treat diabetes?

  1. Blood sugar levels monitoring. By keeping a diary of blood sugar levels you can make the necessary adjustments in your daily food intake, exercise and medicinal treatment.
  2. Consult your physician to know the monitoring protocol that is recommended for you. Usually you can monitor your blood sugar level before meals, and a few hours after, then before you sleep.
  3. You can invest in buying a blood sugar level monitoring device which is widely available now. With that you can test your blood daily hence keeping a good detailed diary. Urine testing is so out of date. Blood testing is more accurate and can be easily attained.
  4. Stick to your medications. Type one usually have insulin prescribed to them. Type two have more broad options, whether is prescribed medicine or all-natural medicine.
  5. Make sure that your daily food intake cater to your needs. You can consult with a nutritionist to know more about what to eat and what not to eat. Also in some cases it's more wise to avoid foods rich in carbohydrate.
  6. After you makes sure that the food cater your needs, plan your meals. Mix and match and make it not boring. There are many cookbooks that offer new interesting variations of what meals that can be eaten by diabetics. Being sick doesn't mean that you have to suffer in eating.
  7. Stock on your fibers, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals. Fruit and vegetables can be consumed. In some cases it's wise to drink supplements. Avoid sugar.
  8. Maintain a good weight to height ratio. By losing weight this can make it easier to treat diabetes. In some cases medication can be stopped by maintaining good weight to height ratio.
  9. Consult with your doctor if what you try doesn't work. He or she may suggests a modification that works.

So you see, we can combat diabetes. Don't worry about it. It's not the end of the world. But you have to have discipline in your daily activities. This will help you to enjoy your life fully, living healthily until you're old.

Hunter C. Adams feels that people should know more about Glycogone. Glycogone is an all-natural treatment that can be your secret weapon in beating the crap out of diabetes. Why not learn more about it at Glycogone Review? Also, you can fulfill your antioxidant needs with Maqui Superberry.

The Not-so-sweet Truth About Diabetes

If you have diabetes, then you are one of the unlucky guys. Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by having too much sugar or glucose in your body. The disease is usually a result from an unhealthy lifestyle. The worse thing is that diabetes is also genetic. This means that if you have diabetes, your child may also suffer from it one day.

Diabetes can lead to many problems. A person who suffers from diabetes will be easily burn out. If you have diabetes, you will not be able to achieve the same stamina as you did before. You will also easily feel thirsty.

In some cases where the disease is very serious, diabetes can also lead to other dangerous health problems. Diabetes weakens the immune system and prevents blood from clotting, thus diabetes patients should never undergo surgeries as they can ultimately result in deaths. When you have diabetes, you should always take care not to wound yourself.

Curing diabetes with water

If you want to cure your diabetes, you need to do stabilize the glucose level in your body as well as increase the amount of insulin that your body produces. You need to maintain a strict diet to achieve that goal. It may seem difficult at first, but it ensures you to remain healthy.
Another thing you should do is improve your nutrition profile by decreasing the amount of high glycemic as well as acidic food that you take. Instead, you should take higher amount of alkaline foods as it is vital to increase your insulin level.

If you do not know what high level alkaline food is, do not worry. Water is an example of high level alkaline food. Drinking plenty of water is good for you, as water has the ability to detoxify the body. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day can help flush out toxins. Water can also decrease the amount of glucose in the body, thus help cure diabetes. So, always remember to drink plenty of water!

What You Can Do to Cut Your Risk of Diabetes Type 2

Women at risk for developing diabetes type 2 can take a valuable tip from some recent news out of researchers at the University of Glasgow, UK. The British Heart Foundation study found that insulin resistance (a key biological risk factor for developing diabetes) in women identified as "high risk" dropped by 22% after just seven weeks on an exercise program.

Your risk for developing type 2 diabetes can be influenced by a variety of factors. Some you can control... others you can't. Here's what you need to watch out for:

- being overweight

- being inactive

- having a family history of diabetes, a parent or sibling with the disease

- getting older

- being a member of certain races, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Asian Americans

- having prediabetes, gestational diabetes or babies over 9 pounds.k

Currently the medical community is not sure why some people get diabetes and others don't, but if you have one risk factor (or more) there's plenty you can do to help reduce the risk.

The Glasgow researchers studied the effects of regular aerobic exercise in 34 females who had at least one type 2 diabetic parent, and 36 women who had no family history of the condition. At the beginning of the study, the group with the family history connection to diabetes had higher insulin resistance than the subjects who didn't have a diabetic parent or sibling did.

Bu just what type of exercise did they do? The study involved a program of three 30 minute sessions the first week, working up to five 1 hour sessions by the end of the study. The exercises the women were given were cardiovascular in nature - running, aerobics, cycling or using a rowing machine. A good, solid workout. And while the family history group showed such a marked improvement in their insulin resistance, the control group showed no significant change by the end of the study.

Though more research is surely needed, this result is a good argument for getting up, and getting moving, especially if you carry a family risk of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a nasty enough condition on it's own, but it has been shown to also increase the risk of heart disease in patients, with a rather worryingly two thirds of diabetics actually dying from heart disease. The good news though according to Dr. Nick Barwell who participated in the study is that, ""People at high risk have it within their power to substantially reduce their risk by increasing their activity levels."

So, if you have a parent, sibling or grandparent with diabetes type 2, it does not necessarily mean that the condition has to become a part of your life too. You can take steps today to do something about it. It may require a bit of effort... and a bit of change... but starting a regular exercise regime now, which involves aerobic exercise, can absolutely have a positive impact on your chances of avoiding this life altering disease.

Over 14,000 people have joined Kirsten's popular (and sometimes controversial) Daily Health Bulletin, so why not join them and stay up to date with the latest diabetes type 2 and general health news daily.

You'll also get 5 comprehensive health reports for free when you join - giving you all the information you need to treat common ailments, lose weight, look younger and feel healthier.