Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Cook Using Less Salt If You Have Diabetes - To Stick to a Healthy and Balanced Diabetic Diet

When you have diabetes you will have to keep check on blood pressure as a way of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. One factor that can have a big impact on your blood pressure is your salt intake. Hence, you may try to cook recipes that keep your salt intake under control. This is not as hard as it may seem.

When you are cooking the simplest way to limit your salt intake is to cook without using salt. If a recipe calls for a pinch of salt, don't use it. If you usually add salt to the food before you eat it then don't. At first you may notice a difference in the flavour, and this difference may be unpleasant at first. However, the longer you go without salt in your diet the less you will want to add it to your food.

As well as not using salt, you can use certain herbs or spices to add a flavour in place of the salt. There are many herbs that are good for this, including tarragon, basil, mint and many more. When you are cooking try to use recipes that use these instead of salt, and this should be easy when using specially formulated diabetic recipes. If you buy ready-made food, then check the labels for reduced salt content foods.

You can also try to include foods rich in potassium in your diet which will help you to excrete more salt in your urine, or use specially formulated salt replacements in your cooking.

Find some diabetic recipes and they will be adapted for great taste at the same time as including low salt levels or no salt at all. Keeping control of the salt you eat is beneficial even to those without diabetes, so a little effort here will really pay off.

Subscribe to our free diabetic recipes newsletter where you will receive diabetic recipes straight to your e-mail inbox each and every single week. Its simple, easy and takes less than one minute to do.

Fighting Diabetes With Exercising

Thomas Jefferson once said "Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very fast." Thomas Jefferson want America to be healthy and loved walking. Many of us need to exercise more to increase are overall physical well being.

Exercise is something that doctors wants everyone to practice. It keeps your body in shape, can control your weight, and is a great way to lower your blood sugar levels. In doing this you can help to lower your risk of contracting heart disease. Heart disease is a very common condition for many people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

It is true that there are certain risks when diabetes patients exercise - but there are many benefits as well. In fact these benefits are more numerous and substantial then the risks. A daily routine of exercise helps your body to become more sensitive to the insulin and it is possible for your blood sugar level to reach a low level referred to as hypoglycemia. It is important that you check your blood sugar before and after you exercise. If you are not sure what it should be after you exercise ask your personal physician.

If you think that your blood sugar level is too high before you exercise then wait for it to come back to a normal level. If you are exercising in really hot or cold conditions than keep a closer eye on your levels because it can change the way your body is absorbing the insulin.

There are signs to help you notice when your blood sugar is getting too low during your exercises. Hypoglycemia will not hit you all of a sudden - but will affect you slowly. Pay attention to how you are feeling. If you feel that your heartbeat has changed and you are sweating more profusely and feel shaky or hungry then you will need to stop. Ask your doctor how you can treat yourself when this happens and follow their instructions.

One important thing that anyone should practice when exercising for diabetes is drinking lots of water. While exercising your body will be using extra fluids to keep you cool. If you drink only when you are thirsty you may already be dehydrated and this can dramatically affect your blood sugar level. Drink a good amount of water before, during, and after you are finished exercising.

Diabetes Cure Advice is a site that will teaches people about the different types of diabetes and the symptoms that people can experience. There are ways that we can prevent and treat diabetes and it is important to learn what those are.

Foods That Should Be Avoided by Diabetics to Lower Blood Sugar

Whenever somebody is diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes, the most significant coaching which they all have from their endocrinologist is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. No doubt how good the endocrinologist is, due to the time constraint he only mentions the name " carbohydrate" and do not put forth the details of the carbohydrates.

I am also not going into the history and geography of carbohydrates, well understanding your time constraints. After a brief review of complex and simple carbohydrates I will be listing here the food list which should be avoided to l your sugar levels. After thoroughly going through the below mentioned list you can be your own dietitian and plan your meals. These meal plans will help you in lowering and controlling the sugar levels.

Amazingly! When you finish reading this article, the control of your blood glucose will be in your own hand.

To start with, do you know what carbohydrates are? Carbohydrates are one of the essential sources of energy. Carbohydrates are classified as

  1. Simple carbohydrates
  2. Complex carbohydrates
  3. Dietary fibers

It is always recommended that the major portion of the diabetic diet should consist of protein. But it should also contain a moderate portion of all the three kinds of carbohydrates. The unrefined carbohydrates are more advantageous for the diabetic patients.

Carbohydrate rich Fruits

  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Blueberry
  • Dates
  • Fig
  • Grapes
  • Orange
  • Pear
  • Pineapple
  • Raisins
  • Strawberry
  • Watermelon

Carbohydrate Rich Vegetables

  • Carrot
  • Corn
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato

Carbohydrate Rich Cereals

  • Bagel
  • Barley
  • Macaroni
  • Muffins
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Spaghetti
  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Whole wheat bread

Carbohydrate Rich Miscellaneous Foods

  • Cakes
  • Candies
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Chocolates
  • Dairy Products
  • Pastries
  • Sweets
  • Table Sugar

Thus by simply avoiding or minimizing the above-mentioned carbohydrate rich food in your meal plan, you soon will be on the way of happy and healthy life, You will amazed to see how your high blood sugar levels have been lowered and are now in the normal range.

I know that what I am going to tell you can be unbelievable, but thats the truth and 100% truth. Diabetes can be managed and even reversed. I have reversed it. Follow this link- Diabetes Information, Diabetes Cure and see the results.

What is the Healthy Diet Plan For Diabetes?

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, what he or she eat becomes very important. In other words, diabetics must monitor what they eat and have a healthy diet plan. Carbohydrates are the most important part of the food we eat as they directly affect our blood glucose level.

For a diabetic, the key is to balance the daily carbs intake. The question is how do you keep your carbs in balance? It is not always easy to answer this question. But fortunately there is a resource called "Diabetes Food Pyramid" by American Diabetes Association that provides guidelines on healthy diet plan for diabetes.

The Diabetes Food Pyramid provides the most comprehensive and easy to understand guidelines for healthy diabetes diets. It divides the foods into six food groups. The largest food groups are at the bottom of the pyramid and they are also the most healthy foods for diabetes. These foods are breads, grains, beans, and starchy vegetables. So, diabetics are encouraged to eat more servings of food groups at the bottom of the pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid, you will see foods like fats, sweets, and alcohol. These are the foods you should avoid if you have diabetes.

As mentioned, people with diabetes need to keep close track of their carbohydrates intake as they directly affect the blood sugar levels almost immediately after eating. Carbohydrate is made out of complex carbon and hydrogen molecules. As insulin works with the carbs and breaks them down for energy, the right amount of dose needs to be adjusted according to the amount of carbs.

Your doctor can help determine the units of insulin per grams of carbs, but it is your job to maintain the balance of your blood glucose levels by watching your daily carb intake and exercising regularly. Maintaining this balance is what carb counting is all about.

Another way to ensure that you don't consume too much carbs is to eat more servings of foods that are located at the bottom of the Diabetes Food Pyramid. By eating more servings of healthy food groups, you are in turn having less carbs intake. Make sense?

Consistency is key. Establish a healthy diet plan for your individual circumstances and stick to it, making gradual adjustments as needed. In the long term, it will help minimize any complication associated with diabetes.

Also, remember to check your blood sugar levels often, write down the numbers and amount of carbs you have eaten that day. Good record keeping will give you and your doctor an accurate picture of how effective your diet plan and medication are. That will help keep your diabetes well under controlled.

Remember that diabetes is a disease that can be cured. Nobody need to succumb to diabetes, people with diabetes can still live a normal life. Click here: How To Cure Diabetes for more information. --> http://diabetes.healthbuzzone.com/

How to Eat Right With Diabetes?

If you or somebody you know suffers from diabetes you know how important it is to maintain a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can help you attain quick weight loss, keep your blood levels even and maintain a healthy body. Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important for diabetics because it prevents certain health problems from occurring, such as heart disease. With prevention in mind, here are a few nutrition tips to take into consideration if you are diabetic.

Tip number one is "eating a wide variety of foods." If you are a diabetic it is often important to have a colorful plate. Do not eliminate any fruits, vegetables, or lean meats from your diet. You can also eat other sources of protein, such as nuts, dairy products, grains, and cereal. Tip number two is "eating the right amount of calories." This means that you should eat a balanced diet which will help you maintain a healthy weight. Do not short yourself calories and do not exceed calories. Learn to maintain a healthy calorie intake.

The third tip is "choosing foods high in fiber." The recommended daily intake of fiber is 25-35 grams. Some of the foods which are high in fiber include whole grain breads, fruit and cereal. Certain studies suggest that people with type 2 diabetes who eat a diet high in fiber can improve their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The same idea goes for people with type 1 diabetes. Also anyone who is a diabetic knows how important it is to maintain a healthy weight and fiber can help you achieve that. Fiber is known to speed up metabolism and help you feel full longer. So as you can see a healthy diet is essential in order to attain weight loss and healthy blood sugar levels.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.

Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills and hoodia gordonii.

Portion Sizes and Diabetes

As far as quick weight loss is concerned, everyone has been raving about portion control. It seems like portion control is the answer to all of our weight loss needs. However, what about those of us who suffer from diabetes; is portion control an important factor in weight loss and in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels? The answer is yes. Serving sizes may even be more important for those of us who suffer from diabetes.

It is a well known fact that excess calories result in excess body fat and unhealthy weight. However, in people with type 2 diabetes excess body weight can be much more critical. Being overweight or obese means less sensitivity to insulin. That is why weight loss and portion control are very important for people who are overweight and diabetic. Taking the proper weight loss measures can help improve blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease (which is much more common in diabetics). So if you feel like your weight is a further threat to your diabetes you should ask your doctor to help you create a meal plan with an adequate calorie intake and proper serving sizes.

A few helpful tips include not skipping any meals, eating at the same time every day, and specifically for women with gestational diabetes it is important to eat multiple meals and snacks per day. It is often difficult to approach weight loss when you suffer from diabetes. The absolute best thing is to speak with your doctor. Your doctor can help you assess your weight goals and create the perfect meal plan. Once you have spoken with your doctor everything else will fall into place. You will know how often you have to eat and what portion sizes you should be consuming.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.

Diabetes - What is the TLC Diet?

A lot of people who have diabetes along with abnormal cholesterol levels are placed on the TLC diet. What this particular diet does is it reduces the intake of high cholesterol foods and promotes quick weight loss. Aside from its dietary restrictions, this particular weight loss plan also calls for an increase in physical activity. Here is a little more information on what to expect.

While on the TLC diet, the participant's total fat consumption should be 25 to 35% (or less) of total carbs eaten per day. Saturated fats should be less than 7% of the total calories eaten in a day while polyunsaturated fats (such as that found in liquid vegetable oils and margarines) should equal 10% of the total calorie intake per day. Monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, should be no less than 20% of the daily calorie intake. Eating all of these fats in their required proportions reduces cholesterol levels and promotes quick weight loss.

The next step towards the TLC diet is the proper intake of carbohydrates. Carbs should equal 50 to 60% of our daily calorie intake. This particular diet also encourages the participant to consume a decent amount of fiber. The daily intake should be 20 to 30 grams. Fiber can be obtained through the consumption of many foods such as oats, barley, psyllium, and beans. Fiber is beneficial because it helps you feel full longer and it promotes healthy digestion. Another important part of the diet is lean protein consumption. It is recommended that protein equal 15 to 20 % of the daily calorie intake. And lastly, the participants should maintain the daily cholesterol intake below 200 milligrams. This is just a little bit of information about the TLC diet for diabetics. Usually your doctor will recommend this diet if you need to lose weight or reduce your cholesterol levels.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.

Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills and hoodia gordonii.

Benefits of Unprocessed Healthy Chocolate For Diabetics

When you suffer from diabetes, one of the hardest things to do is stick to that restrictive diet. You see other people eating whatever they want... whenever they want it. You would like a little luxury, too. It's so hard to give up those wonderful foods.

Here's where 'healthy and unprocessed' chocolate comes in. You can eat it without feeling guilty and without feeling like you're cheating on your restrictive diet. In fact, healthy dark chocolate is scientifically formulated to be good for everyone. It contains and maintains the antioxidant-packed nutrition of unprocessed cacao, which we've all been hearing so much about lately. The sugar in this type of chocolate isn't highly processed white sugar. It's sweetened with natural versus artificial ingredients, so you don't have to worry as much about blood sugar crashes as you do with processed sugars.

This healthy chocolate is a natural appetite suppressant, so no more starving between meals. You can get the same antioxidant health benefits from other dietary supplements, but none of those taste nearly as good. If you're used to taking a vitamin pill with a glass of water, this is not the same! Weird shakes or powdered concoctions are not nearly as exciting.

Healthy unprocessed chocolate is not the same as other kinds of chocolate. You don't get the same health benefits from those other highly processed chocolates packed with high-glycemic sugars. They might contain chocolate, but they don't contain pure, dark chocolate. This product is made of minimally processed cacao with other minimally processed, natural ingredients. Make sure you read all labels and look for 'unprocessed' chocolate.

Some other benefits of unprocessed chocolate for diabetics include improved mood, decreased inflammation due to arthritis or fibromyalgia, improved breathing, and improved memory. Unprocessed chocolate helps your body utilize sugars, decreasing the likelihood of other complications of diabetes such as vision problems, kidney problems, and amputations.

You may have heard that that the benefits of unprocessed chocolate for diabetics are minimal, and that eating it could actually damage your efforts to control diabetes. Keep in mind that there are always people who will eat too much of even a good thing. Unprocessed chocolate must be consumed in moderation, just like everything else. It's part of a balanced diet. Don't overdo it, and you won't ruin your diet.

European experts say that eating a moderate amount of dark healthy unprocessed chocolate could help control diabetes. Part of the reason this happens is because dark unprocessed chocolate helps you control your cravings and blood sugar levels between meals. The antioxidant effects are a super-sized bonus that can help every major organ in your body. Sounds delicious, doesn't it?

To learn more about Unprocessed Healthy Chocolate for Diabetics, visit Richard's Healthy Chocolate website. Author: Richard is passionate about sharing health and wellness with others. He also devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.

New Treatment For Diabetes - The One Every Diabetic is Waiting For?

New treatment for diabetes may be the next stage after the results of a study led by Joslin appeared in The Journal of Clinical Investigation. This brings us hope for a possible new treatment for diabetes. This study found that leptin plays an important part in the growth of islet cells and the secretion of insulin.

Just what is leptin? It is that hormone known mostly for regulating appetite management and energy metabolism. Leptin receptors found throughout the body, counting the brain and the pancreas, act as a go-between in the inhibition of the secretion of insulin.

Leptin is a protein hormone that affects the regulation of the body weight, metabolism and reproductive function. Recent researches with obese and the not obese participants showed a strong positive correlation of serum leptin concentrations with percentage of body fat. In truth, leptin supplies the body with a guide of nutritional standing.

This was established in previous studies. Rohit N. Kulkami, M.D., Ph.D who led this study, said that they wanted to understand better the role of leptin in the beta cells. Dr. Kulkami, who is an assistant professor at Harvard University Medical School, is also the main investigator at Joslin Diabetes Center.

So they wanted to investigate this because it is not known why obese people develop diabetes despite the high presence of both insulin and leptin in the bloodstream. They therefore developed a mouse model which they engineered genetically not to produce leptin receptors in the pancreas but they kept the ones in the brain and the rest of the body.

They found that those that did not have leptin receptors in the pancreas exhibited better glucose tolerance, more secretion of insulin and more beta cell growth. They expected this result as the normal job of the leptin is to maintain insulin levels so they don't get too elevated.

In the next phase of the study, they fed both the mouse model and the control group with the leptin receptors, a high-fat diet. Both groups naturally became fat but herein lies the difference. The mouse model developed severe resistance to insulin and glucose intolerance which we know is a sign that diabetes is coming. What does this mean?

Researches will concentrate on the link between insulin and leptin and identify the proteins present in the pathways regulating the growth of beta cells and their activities. This could only help in the improvement of drugs that can control these proteins into affecting the growth and function of the beta cells. This will certainly have implication for the treatment of types 1 and 2 diabetes.

Hopefully, the next phase of the study is finding these proteins in natural sources in the food we eat which in my humble opinion will be better than developing therapeutic drugs. This will be easier to do than finding the link between leptin and the beta cells which is essential I know and is the more difficult stage of the process towards the finding a new treatment for diabetes.

Please visit these sites for more diabetes help:

Diabetes Treatment

New Treatment for Diabetes

Brief Biography: Dr. Guzman worked for the Atlantic Health Corporation and was consultant to St. Joseph's Hospital, Sussex Mental Health Clinic, and St. Stephen Mental Health Clinic for many years. He was Director of Forensic Psychiatry at Centracare for ten years and published numerous articles in the Journal of the American College of Forensic Psychiatry and other medical magazines.

Copyright © October 27, 2008 Roger Guzman, M.D. (New Treatment for Diabetes) All Rights Reserved. You may copy and publish this article as long as the text, the author's name, the active links and this notice remain the same.

The Best Diabetes Natural Remedy - Your Diet? An Alternative Treatment For Diabetes

Most doctors don't hesitate to give you medication but know nothing when it comes to a diabetes natural remedy. Why is this? The main reason is because most traditional doctors have no experience or education in alternative remedies. And this is sad considering how many research studies are now showing that natural cures work with many diseases... including diabetes.

The purpose of this article is to show you that you can cure yourself of the very common disease of diabetes though your diet. And this alternative treatment for diabetes can reverse this disease in a matter of weeks.

Your Diet as an Alternative Treatment for Diabetes

The best diet for diabetics consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. The reason behind eating fruit is because sufferers' bodies can tolerate sugar fructose which unlike glucose does not need insulin for digestion. Over time, this diet will actually help change the makeup of cells which are typically diabetic prone.

In other words, this diet doesn't have to last forever. Some vegetables you may wish to consider are celery, cucumbers and string beans. The skins of these vegetables are high in silica which is closely related to insulin. Think of a natural insulin. Some experts believe that string bean tea can serve as a substitute for insulin. Also, cucumbers also contain a hormone that is used by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.

Though this information is helpful, it is only a small example of the benefits of naturally curing your diabetes with an alternative treatment. Here are some more examples to show you how thousands are reversing diabetes naturally!

Diabetes Reversed with Other Natural Secrets

1. Many experts are finding legitimacy in herbal medicines. Many sufferers are taking bitter melon, onion capsules and garlic capsules to naturally treat their diabetes. Though these herbs should not be used as the sole remedy, they can be beneficial as a supplement.

2. Fact! Cinnamon has been shown to regulate blood glucose as well as cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetic patients. Some studies have been showing that one gram of cinnamon a day can help treat diabetes naturally. The reason why cinnamon is so popular is because a compound called hydroxychalcone (found in cinnamon) can make insulin in the body more reactive and sensitive and thus increase glycogen synthesis.

3. Another remedy that many sufferers are taking is a grain called salba. People who take salba report great overall improvement in chronic conditions brought on by diabetes. A study suggests increased energy, better circulation, and better weight control. In other words, blood sugar is more easily controlled when salba is eaten regularly in food. We recommend sprinkling some of this grain onto your oatmeal, grits or breakfast cereal.

4. Finally, discover how the Diabetes Reversal Report balances your normal blood sugar and healthy insulin levels in only 4 weeks. If you would like to learn what the most recent research shows about natural health and diabetes, please visit Diabetes Natural Remedy.

Cure Diabetes in Less than 4 Weeks!

A healthy nutrition plan and simple alternative remedies are much safer than taking medication for the rest of your life. However, drug companies spend billions of dollars each year to keep this information out of your hands. If these tips have given you any hope with a diabetes natural cure, I encourage you to learn more!

This is only the tip of the iceberg of our Diabetes Reversal Report that gives you a step by step remedy to cure diabetes in less than 4 weeks. This report is 100% guaranteed for 1 year and has had a surprisingly high success rate for those people who try it. Download yours now for the price of a single meal!

100% Guaranteed for 1 year! Completely Natural! Researched! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have been involved in natural health for 22 years! To discover the most effective Diabetes Natural Remedy, visit us today!

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