Friday, November 21, 2008

Guide to a Possible Natural Diabetes Cure

Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases that a person can have. Not only will it have a drastic effect on one's body, it can also affect the way a person lives. There are no surefire ways to cure diabetes; one can only control its effects once it enters the body. Medicines and insulin shots are expensive, and can prove harmful for the body in the long run. That's why it's important that a diabetic knows how to take diabetes cure the natural way. There are substances which can help keep diabetes under control. Maintaining a healthy regimen can reduce the chances of complication that the disease brings.

Taking calcium is good for diabetics, given that most of them experience hypertension. A good dose of calcium can help prevent the onset of high blood pressure. Another substance that is great for diabetics is chromium. Although the benefits of taking chromium have not been promoted enough, it does help contribute maintain the health of people with diabetes. Chromium helps regulate and produce insulin in the body. Taking chromium regularly will eventually decrease the amount of insulin needed by the body.

Herbs are long considered as the healthy way to cure practically all diseases, and are also considered a diabetes cure. There are more than 400 herbal remedies that can be used to manage the disease, and since they are natural, they present no side effects.

Cinnamon is said to block out free radicals from entering the body, and can increase the conversion of glucose to energy. Research has proven that cinnamon is very effective in putting blood sugar levels under control. Another herb, Jambolan, is a staple for those practicing ayurvedic medicines. It is said to decrease blood sugar levels without any hint of side effects. It also decreases the production of free radicals because it has oleanic acid.

For those with type 2 diabetes, bitter melon extract can be a diabetes cure. Bitter melon extract has polypeptides which is the same as the ones found in insulin. Other herbs that can be used to keep diabetes under control include bitter gourd, a vegetable with juice that can produce a positive effect on the body's blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, Lutein, which is a dietary supplement, can benefit the eye health of diabetics. Since people with diabetes are prone to eye diseases such as cataract and retinopathy, a regular dose of lutein can help maintain the condition of the eyes. Amla, which contains high dose of vitamin C, is also good for the body. For a great combination, try mixing a tablespoon each of powdered amla, bitter gourd, fruit and jumbal. Take this once or twice a day and one can feel an improvement in overall health.

Proper diet and exercise should be part of the natural diabetes cure habit. Diabetics should go take light exercises regularly, such as swimming and jogging. A regular intake of fruits, vegetable, nuts and dairy products approved by a physician will help keep the disease under control.

April Kerr owns website Best Diabetic which has information on the best diet for diabetics and health insurance plans for diabetics.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Diabetes Natural Cures - Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know These 6 Secrets to Reverse Diabetes

There really are diabetes natural cures that work! However, most people are unaware of them because major drug companies don't want you to find out. And what better way to keep you uninformed by keeping doctors uninformed too.

Fact! Most traditional doctors only know of traditional treatments of diabetes. This is because major drug companies work hand in hand with major medical schools.

In other words, if you are suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you do not have to take insulin the rest of your life! Here are 6 secrets that may help you reverse or even cure diabetes in a matter of weeks.

6 Tips to Reverse Diabetes Naturally

1. Obviously, you need to start exercising! Specifically, exercising in the morning is a great way to lower your blood sugar levels and glucose. In some studies, exercising worked just as well as medication. You should keep a regular exercise schedule of about 5 times a week.

2. Nutrition is extremely important for preventing and treating diabetes. Foods that help maintain a normalized blood sugar levels are fruits, vegetables and high fiber grains. You should consider apples, oranges, pears, peas, zucchinis, oatmeal, barley and granola. These foods tend to be lower in sugar and higher in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

3. What you eat and how you eat is also important. Make a fist and take a look at it! This is about the size your next meal should be! It should not be any bigger. Since humans are grazing creatures, we should eat 5-6 meals a day and they should be the size of your fist. This will keep the blood sugar normalized.

4. You should also avoid high sugar juices and soft drinks. Begin to start reading the labels and avoid foods with corn syrup (sugar). These foods and drinks can sometimes contain over 10 teaspoons of sugar.

5. Water! Water! Water! Water is part of every healthy nutrition plan. Water can do two great things for you that will help with diabetes. It can flush numerous toxins, impurities, chemicals, and even sugar (from your previous meal). Water can also change the cellular structure of cells and actually begin the cure of diabetes starting with your cells.

6. Finally, you should also avoid a high carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates will be converted to sugar by the body which can also heighten the blood sugar levels. Eat plenty of salads and fresh and raw vegetables instead your bread serving. Always option to eat leaner meats like chicken, turkey and fish. You will also notice shedding a few pounds of body fat in the process.

Is There More I Can Do?

Yes! These 6 tips should give you hope for your future and your health! Please do not stop here and think you will be told to lower your insulin the next time you see your doctor!

If you suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, please visit our website today. Our natural health company offers a one of a kind Diabetes Natural Cures Remedy Report which guarantees a cure for diabetes in less than 4 weeks. This researched, step by step remedy is easy to read and has an extremely high success rate. Today is the day to prioritize your health and your future!

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Diabetes Natural Cures