Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Best Diabetes Natural Remedy - Your Diet? An Alternative Treatment For Diabetes

Most doctors don't hesitate to give you medication but know nothing when it comes to a diabetes natural remedy. Why is this? The main reason is because most traditional doctors have no experience or education in alternative remedies. And this is sad considering how many research studies are now showing that natural cures work with many diseases... including diabetes.

The purpose of this article is to show you that you can cure yourself of the very common disease of diabetes though your diet. And this alternative treatment for diabetes can reverse this disease in a matter of weeks.

Your Diet as an Alternative Treatment for Diabetes

The best diet for diabetics consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. The reason behind eating fruit is because sufferers' bodies can tolerate sugar fructose which unlike glucose does not need insulin for digestion. Over time, this diet will actually help change the makeup of cells which are typically diabetic prone.

In other words, this diet doesn't have to last forever. Some vegetables you may wish to consider are celery, cucumbers and string beans. The skins of these vegetables are high in silica which is closely related to insulin. Think of a natural insulin. Some experts believe that string bean tea can serve as a substitute for insulin. Also, cucumbers also contain a hormone that is used by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.

Though this information is helpful, it is only a small example of the benefits of naturally curing your diabetes with an alternative treatment. Here are some more examples to show you how thousands are reversing diabetes naturally!

Diabetes Reversed with Other Natural Secrets

1. Many experts are finding legitimacy in herbal medicines. Many sufferers are taking bitter melon, onion capsules and garlic capsules to naturally treat their diabetes. Though these herbs should not be used as the sole remedy, they can be beneficial as a supplement.

2. Fact! Cinnamon has been shown to regulate blood glucose as well as cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetic patients. Some studies have been showing that one gram of cinnamon a day can help treat diabetes naturally. The reason why cinnamon is so popular is because a compound called hydroxychalcone (found in cinnamon) can make insulin in the body more reactive and sensitive and thus increase glycogen synthesis.

3. Another remedy that many sufferers are taking is a grain called salba. People who take salba report great overall improvement in chronic conditions brought on by diabetes. A study suggests increased energy, better circulation, and better weight control. In other words, blood sugar is more easily controlled when salba is eaten regularly in food. We recommend sprinkling some of this grain onto your oatmeal, grits or breakfast cereal.

4. Finally, discover how the Diabetes Reversal Report balances your normal blood sugar and healthy insulin levels in only 4 weeks. If you would like to learn what the most recent research shows about natural health and diabetes, please visit Diabetes Natural Remedy.

Cure Diabetes in Less than 4 Weeks!

A healthy nutrition plan and simple alternative remedies are much safer than taking medication for the rest of your life. However, drug companies spend billions of dollars each year to keep this information out of your hands. If these tips have given you any hope with a diabetes natural cure, I encourage you to learn more!

This is only the tip of the iceberg of our Diabetes Reversal Report that gives you a step by step remedy to cure diabetes in less than 4 weeks. This report is 100% guaranteed for 1 year and has had a surprisingly high success rate for those people who try it. Download yours now for the price of a single meal!

100% Guaranteed for 1 year! Completely Natural! Researched! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have been involved in natural health for 22 years! To discover the most effective Diabetes Natural Remedy, visit us today!

Diabetes Natural Remedy


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